An Afternoon of Macro with the D7000 and Tamron 90mm f2.8

I had recently had a conversation about how tough macro is to shoot and to shoot well!  A week or two back on a warm and sunny day i decided it had been long enough since my last foray into macro.  The light was harsh mid day and knowing that i could work the woods to find shade, back lit situations and even incorporate some direct lighting.

Once again i felt liberated to only have a small camera body on my shoulder, the Nikon D7000 and one lens, the Tamron 90mm f2.8 Macro.  I was curious as to just how high i could push the ISO in camera.  Instead of setting the ISO for individual photos i set the camera to Auto ISO with a minimum shutter speed of 1/125 with no limit on how high it could set the ISO's.  The camera performed flawlessly but I can't say the same for myself!  With the D7000's small pixels i should have set the minimum shutter speed to 1/200th or so as many of my images showed blur from hand holding this combination.  In regards to how the camera performed it's high ISO ability is incredible for a crop sensor.  One of the images presented below was photographed at ISO 10,000 and I wouldn't hesitate to print it 11X14 inches!   I'm more and more impressed with the camera every day!'ll notice grain in the images with smooth backgrounds and tonalities.  That was not created in camera from high ISO's.  The grain was added by me in my favorite software for creating black and whites.

I hope you enjoy!

Thanks so much for viewing!

RONiN photography (Scott Grant) offers fine art prints and image sales, print service, and photographic and post processing instruction for both groups and private individuals.  Photography services include weddings, engagement sessions, people and pet photos, corporate event, etc.

If you or someone you know are looking for a wedding photographer for 2013 time is running short!  I'm getting heavily booked so please call or email to reserve your wedding day!  I am taking bookings for 2014 and beyond.

If you would like to contact me please do so at or call at (709) 639-5335.  I'm located in Steady Brook, on the west coast of Newfoundland, in Canada.

Visit me on facebook at RONiN photography.

I also have a ton of images of all kinds on Flickr.

If you would like to learn more about RONiN photography please visit


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