Salmon Fishing Serpentine River

A few weeks ago a friend of mine asked if I'd like to join him on a little excursion to Serpentine River on Newfoundland's west coast, nestled between the Lewis Hills and Blomidon Mountains.

Last Thursday or Friday I got the call from Jim stating that he was heading in with his dad bright and early Monday morning and would be fishing the river the entire day.  I really should have spent the day  editing images and doing the thousand other tasks that small business owners have to look after.  However one has to have a little downtime once in a blue moon.  And I would be photographing all day so it would be considered work, right?!?  

At daybreak we left Corner Brook and drove over an hour on rough woods roads to arrive at a calm Serpentine Lake.  We boarded the skanoe outfitted with a 4 HP outboard motor and headed to the rivers mouth where it exits the western edge of Serpentine Lake.

* Please click each image to view larger and sharper!

View towards Lewis Hills from Serpentine Lake

Immediatly upon entering the river there is an abundance of white pine, what I consider one of the most beautiful trees in Newfoundland.  They tower above the riverbanks like sentinals, guarding this waterway.  I could imagine raptors such as hawks and eagles perched in their gnarled, curling limbs, scanning for prey.

Pine Sentinal on Serpentine

I thought it would be some time before they stopped for a cast but our boat ride didn't take us far down the river before Jim aimed for a grassy bank.  Jim and his dad were out in a heartbeat, gearing up with me right behind lugging my waterproof pelican case full of camera gear up the bank and into the dew covered foilage.

The air above the river was teeming with yellow warblers and cedar waxwings. The flashes of yellow and clay colors in the morning light was a sight.  One could almost hear those little wings beating overhead.

Male Yellow Warbler

Jim's dad is a true lover of fly fishing and it isn't hard to tell.  He's wise and patient and can cast a line like there is no tomorrow.  It seemed as if he could lay down a fly on a dime 50 feet from where he stood waist deep in water.


With only mosquito bites at the first location we entered the river again and made our way downstream to several other prime pools to fish.  I had camera in hand the entire ride with an ultra wide angle lens attached hoping to be able to convey in images the splendor of the scenery in Serpentine Valley.  The reflections of the forest and mountains in the glassy water were jaw dropping on such a calm morning.

Serpentine Reflections

Pointing Downstream

It was great to see Jim and his dad hang out, share advice and taunt each other, truly enjoying this passtime together.

Father and Son

I may not know much about fly fishing but i think Jim's dad has a leg up on casting.  It was like watching a surgeon....pure precision.  Sorry Jim!  :P


And what about the fish you ask?  There was just a 'little' action throughout the day.  :)

Jim's Monster

Jim and his dad hooked several salmon each during the day.  Both hooked a large salmon each.  I was a little dumbfounded when they mentioned that were both happy to have lost the large fish.  As any salmon larger than 62cm must be released they told me that by loosing them the fish doesn't suffer as much stress as when one would normally play and land the fish.

Jim did hook and land a salmon smaller than 62 cm, one he was able to tag and keep.  He told me that the first fish of the year he saves for his extended family to have a little feast during Xmas.  

Fish On

Christmas Salmon

I'm starting to understand the lure of salmon fishing.  Especially on the Serpentine River.  The scenery is beautiful, the air is clean, the only sounds are rushing water, birds singing and the occaisional 'SPLOOSH' from a salmon jumping!  I mentioned to Jim that this trip might just cost me a few dollars in the form of some fishing gear.  That's just what i need; another expensive hobby!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

RONiN photography (Scott Grant) offers print and image sales, printing services, photographic and post  processing instruction for both group and private individuals, and all kinds of photography services from weddings, engagement sessions, family and pet photos and corporate events.

If you or someone you know are looking for a wedding photographer for 2012 time is running short!  I'm getting heavily booked so please call or email to reserve your wedding day!  I'm also taking bookings for 2013.

If you would like to contact me please do so at or call at (709) 634-3693 or (709) 639-5335 on my cell.  I'm located in Corner Brook, on the west coast of Newfoundland, in Canada.

Visit me on facebook at RONiN photography.

I also have a ton of images on Flickr.

If you would like to learn more about RONiN photography please visit


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